Physical Therapy

How Professional Post-Rehab Training Can Help You Recover from a Torn ACL

250,000 individuals tear their ACL annually. If you’re one of these unlucky people, you understand the pain and suffering associated with the injury and recovery.

What many people don’t realize is that a torn ACL requires maintenance after surgery and rehabilitation.

We’ll break down why that is, and why you should consider professional post-rehab training.

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Joint Replacement: Why Rehabilitation Is So Important

If you are considering getting a joint replacement, whether it be a hip or knee, you might be focused on the surgery itself, but there is much more to be done to ensure a healthy and timely return to activity.  Your physician will recommend and even require physical therapy, which is vital for a positive recovery from your recent surgery.  Having a joint replaced is not to be taken lightly and preparation before, with a directional plan after, is important for a full return. If you have any questions, contact our certified and trained staff to find out how we can help get you MOVING!

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sports performance training in Chandler and Gilbert

The Benefits of a Personal Trainer When Beginning an Exercise Program

There are many reasons that a beginner client should start their fitness journey with the help of a personal trainer. Most individuals will set some sort of fitness goal when beginning an exercise program, but will not know the most efficient way to reach that specific goal. Working with a personal trainer will help increase the likelihood of obtaining each unique individual’s fitness goals for all of the following reasons:

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